Our Greens Schools coordinator Mr. Doyle restarted the walking bus on Wednesday 29th of January,introducing a new route from St. Mary’s primary school.We now have 3 routes involved in the walking bus with a total of 55 students participating.

All participants in the walking got a lovely treat on their first walk when they were given cereal bars and orange juice.We are trying to get the 4th green flag which is for travel,this will also help to maintain our active flag which we received last June. I enjoy the walking bus even if it means I have to get up earlier than usual. It will not only help us to get the green flag but it also helps you to keep fit and get some fresh air and you will be more concentrated in class.It is great craic watching the younger lads fighting to see who gets to go be the leader of the line and they also play a game called sweet and sour!

Overall I think the walking bus is very beneficial and enjoyable.   

By Diarmuid Delaney

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