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An announcement was made this morning by An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar of the closure of all schools effective from 6pm today, Thursday March 12th for a period until March 29th, to support efforts to contain the spread of Co-Vid 19. This is in line with advice from the National Public Health Emergency Team.


All pupils and staff are urged to practice ‘Social Distancing’ during this time, and to minimise physical contact with each other. This should involve minimising social contact, avoiding meeting up and keeping a physical space between them. Parents and Guardians are urged to support their children in maintaining this approach.


During this school closure we are asking our pupils to:


  1. Read as much as possible during the break, they will take home some school library books with them and should read them during this time off.
  2. If possible, log on to their Mathletics accounts, teachers will be setting tasks for the boys to complete and this will be a good way to keep practicing and reinforcing Maths  topics.
  3. Get out in the back yard and play! Get some fresh air and keep active.
  4. Each pupil will take home one copybook today and we would like them to keep a Diary Like journal of their time off. This is an historic event and one which the boys should keep an account of for future reference.


We will maintain contact with you via 4 avenues:

  1. Text
  2. E-Mail
  3. Twitter
  4. School Website


Any information or updates will be communicated via these means. If you have changed phone number or email recently please email a.s.a.p with your updated details.



Yours sincerely,

Conor Doyle
