In early December Miss Kelly, Miss Brown , Miss Teehan and the boys of sixth class decided to have a special Christmas breakfast, for our parents to show them our appreciation for the work they do for us.
We started by writing a menu . Then all of us remembered the school’s healthy eating policy for children to have healthy lunches. Most of the food on our menu was fried so we wrote a letter to our principal Mr. Healy asking for permission to waive the healthy eating policy. At lunch time we left it on his desk. After he read it he wrote back saying that we can hold the breakfast.
So we got to work writing invitations to our parents and we decorated our classroom. We put table clothes the tables. Then the three teachers went and got Centra to prepare the food. They also got cutlery. We decided to host it on the 19th of December. When the day came the teachers and the boys went into class a bit earlier to make the fruit salad and organise the rest of the class. At quarter to ten some boys waited outside to welcome the parents. As the parents arrived all of the boys guided their parents to their seats. A couple of more boys went around offering drinks. The food arrived and the teachers placed the food on a table so everyone could help themselves to what they preferred. Everyone sat down together.
There were Christmas crackers, a lot of chat and everyone had a great time. Two boys read out speeches thanking our parents for coming and the teachers for making it happen.
By Stephen Carroll
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