Winning Whites
Last Thursday in the Templemore athletic track St Colmcille’s held their sports day.
I was on the White Ghosts team. We were leading going into it and the Tipp Toppers were second. In the first couple of events the Tipp Toppers were gaining. I was really enjoying it.
In the next couple of events we did very well. We tried to just stay ahead in first place and thankfully we did. We won by just one point. I was exhausted and happy at the same time.
After we got taytos and freeze pops. I had a brilliant day.
by Ned Delaney
Sports Day
Last Thursday it was sports day. Me and my school were at the running track. We did a lot of activities. The weather was cloudy and cold. I was on green goblins my favourite race was the sack race.
I was doing the shoe race and I got my shoes on and came second. In the end we all got crisps and ice-pops.
When I went home I told my mum and she was delighted
She told my dad and he was proud. Later that day my parents brought me out for a threat I got a Chinese. I had a lot of fun that day.
By Andrew Carroll