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On Friday 24thof May, St.Colmcille’s had the annual Spring clean. Each class was assigned its own area of the town. 1st and 2nd class were given the job of the whole school. 3rd class went and cleaned from our school to the Church and back. 4th did cleaned as far as theGardaCollege. 5th and 6th gladly cleaned part of the local Park.

My own class, 6th, and 5th walked up to the Park and we were told to pick up any rubbish on the way. I, for one, was amazed at the amount of cigarette butts and papers floating around. When we all arrived at the Park we were told not to pick up anything sharp or dangerous unless we had a litter picker. There was also a little treat for the team with the heaviest bag.

We started off around the playground area, finding two ‘Grot Spots’ behind trees filled with plastic rubbish and beer bottles and even a few empty chip bags. We went from there to the lakeside area and surrounding grounds, including the swimming pool. We went slowly up to the graveyard keeping an eye out for any stray rubbish. We even went down the little bank to check for bags and maybe even a few more bottles.

When we were done there we made our way back to the school. We had bags and bags of rubbish filled with…. well rubbish I suppose. There were rumours that some groups put stones into their bags for that bit of extra weight! It’s amazing what a teacher can get his pupils do when he throws in a treat!

When we got back to the school we all had our picture taken, the team with the heaviest bag stood at the front. Then we piled our bags against the wall and went inside to have a well earned bag of crisps and a bottle of orange.

We had a great day, and a very big thanks to all the teachers for organising it and even more importantly, supervising us.

Adam Fogarty 6th class