St Colmcille’s P.S where invited to attend Our Lady’s musical called ‘Thank you For The Music’. It was on the 18/10/17. Everyone from St Colmcille’s was going. We left at around 20 past 10. We walked down to our Lady’s school because it is near St Colmcille’s P.S.
The play started around 11 o clock. The play was called ‘Thank You For The Music’ and was based on Mama Mia. It was about a girl named Sophie trying to find her father. She stole her mother’s journal and read through it and there were three names that stood out to her. She invited them to her wedding because she thought one of those three could be her father. The reason Sophie invited them was because her mother seemed to like them but then they broke up with Sophie’s mum.
At around 12 o clock it was the half time break. The break lasted around 15 minutes. During the break they gave out the colouring competition prizes. Then they gave out the raffle prizes. After the break they continued the show.
In the second half of the show it was all about Sophie and her boyfriend Sky’s wedding. In the end Sophie and Sky didn’t get married. But Sophie’s mother and her ex-boyfriend did get married.
Written by Robert Crampton – Rang 6