On the 6th December 2015 Luke Ormond, Ciaran McCormack, Mikey Delaney and myself were attending the 2015 GAA primary schools county final table quiz in the Sarsfield Centre, Thurles.

I was excited. When it started we got off to a good start with a seven in round one but it was followed by a disappointing four. So it turned out to be a bad start.

We then had a round of six followed by a seven . This meant we only had scored twenty three out of thirty two at the halfway point. The leaders were on thirty two. In the picture round we scored seven which was good and then we got two eights and a seven. We had a brilliant score in the last four rounds. But because of our poor score in the first four rounds we didn’t come in the top five. Borrisoleigh came first, Tipperary Town second, Holycross third, Newport A fourth and Newport B fifth

I’d like to thank Mr. Doyle for helping us.

By Ned Delaney