The Rainbow Fish: Each class heard the story of the Rainbow Fish and watched the video of it. This showed the children the importance of caring for others.
The Friendship Fish: Every morning, each child picked a name of someone in their class out of a box. During the day, they did something nice for that child. Then they wrote what they had done on a scale, and stuck it to the school Friendship Fish in the porch. By the end of the week, the fish had all his scales!
English: In English, we read stories and poems about Friendship.The story of the “Rainbow Fish” and “Chesters Way” were very popular. We even wrote our own Acrostic poems!
Friendship Lessons:In class, the children talked about ways they could be helpful and respect others. They also played friendship games, such as Friendship Bingo. In SPHE and PE we played many co-operative games using blindfolds, balls and hulahoops. We learned to help each other and work together.
Friendship Slogans:4th, 5th and 6th class made up some great slogans to raise the awareness of the importance of being a good friend. Cian’s slogan was: “A friend or mine is a friend for all time, good or bad, happy or sad”, and Eoin’s slogan was “When life becomes a bumpy ride, true friends are always by your side”.
Friendship Posters:Each child worked during the week on a Friendship Poster, and on Thursday the winners from each class group were announced.
Talk: Sr. Breda joined us on Tuesday to talk about Respect and Friendship. She encouraged the boys to be a friend to themselves, to talk to each other, to tell when in trouble, to get involved in different activities and to stand up for themselves and each other. She also gave us an insight into the different friendships in prisons.
Visits: On Thursday the First Class invited down the First Class girls from St. Joseph’s Primary School. The boys haven’t seen many of the girls since they joined us in September and they were very excited to meet up with their friends again. They ate their lunch together and played games. It was a great success and the boys thoroughly enjoyed spending time with the girls.
Well done to all the pupils and staff who embraces friendship week with great enthusiasm. We all really enjoyed Friendship week but it’s not over, as we hope to continue it for the year!